Go Paper

Another day, another session with my morning emails and a quick check through the BBC news. I do get inspiration from the news and also that backstop, Facebook. 80% of the posts are pure rubbish but it does give me  ideas.
I open Notes, and start a fresh document, and begin committing my thoughts to words – at least 500 words of undisturbed, free writing, where I note all of my ideas, questions, thoughts, or concerns. This will also prompt my best creative thinking.
My paper notebook is also packed full of ideas, observations and thoughts. I still love the feeling of a sharp pencil in my hand and a blank page open. The sensation of the pencil putting my thoughts into words, hand written words. Reading them back, I am taken by the simple pleasure of seeing those thoughts delivered in my unique scribble. This brings me to my feeling of late, that I should do more writing by hand. Because, according to experts, handwriting provides a range of benefits, from boosting creativity to enhancing memory formation.
At my age, memory formation, is not something we should take lightly. 

Onto this Easter and have you noticed that something inside us makes us look to the sun. Easter weekend is about that time we look to the sun. Our body clocks are craving warmer, longer days of sunshine and the freedom that brings. This Easter weekend is just that time. The weather predicts 23 deg C and a light breeze. Our beaches will be packed, the roads jammed full of holiday makers and chaos will prevail for 4 long days, then calm will be restored as everyone travels back home and children go back to the structured life of formal education. 

We are lucky to live in this beautiful part of England, the beach, a short walk or drive away. For 9 months of the year, life is uncluttered and uncomplicated, then the summer holidays erupt, more than trebling the population and that brings all the horrors of people on holiday without the restraint of their own environment. We endure and after the holidays, we breath a collective sign of relief, life returns to its normal pace, roads are free and you can see the sand on the beach again.
