New Year Resolution

Driving passed the Poole Lake and some swans took off like shopping bags blown in the wind. We have come a long way, evolving into a culture of people who do not litter. So many people running, all shapes and sizes and I could not but think that they are striving to keep their New Year Resolutions.

For all those out there who have made New Year resolutions, hopefully not broken already. I do believe one of the best ways to help not break that New Year promise, is to treat your self better. Be it eating healthier, losing those pounds you put on over Christmas or doing more exercise, start with how you treat yourself.

If you deviate from your plan, try giving yourself the same pep talk you would give someone who you want to encourage to get back on track as quickly as possible. Forget the hiccup and take the same advice you would give a loved one if they really wanted to achieve a goal.

Also, at the beginning of each day, try and guess what is likely to test you during the day and prepare a mental response to the temptation. We all have the daily triggers that make us want to go off track. If we have already decided how to deal with this temptation, we will be expecting this test and our next resolve can make all the difference. That way, you can think “this was predictable. I’ve already decided how I want to respond.”

Make a list of all the difficult things you have achieved. Remember a time when you faced a challenge and you found a way through. Take a picture of this list on your phone and when you find yourself tempted to throw in the towel, look at the list and remind yourself you could do everything on that list. You can push through this challenge as well.
