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Christmas really started on Christmas eve. The Middle Smiths hosted the Christmas Eve Dinner and what an excellent dinner it was. Ten of us around the table and the wine flowed, we spoke and laughed. Having the time to be with all the UK family for an evening of music, games and quiet reflection on the day to come was really special. As usual, Gary and Claudia went to extreme lengths to bring us a superb meal of Roast Turkey and Roast Lamb with all the favourite greens, potatoes and salad. Everything was enjoyed with the exception of the carrots, did not seem to get many takers, lesson learnt for next time.

Christmas Day seems to have passed in a flash, Christmas is a messy occasion but once you have got through the mess you invariable find another present lost beneath the discarded wrapping paper. Susan bought plain white paper this year to wrap the presents, tied the paper with string and a bow or something. Was not as colourful but was totally recycled into our over-full bin, nice touch but hell to wrap. 
We started the day with a walk and a swim on the beach with the Fay’s from Brampton Road. No snow this year, not like they have had in Wales where you walk down the snow-covered lane and see a hippopotamus roll by and you tickle it on the tummy and then throw a snowball at the neighbour's cat.

Sunshine and a light breeze made for those who braved the water, a little more bearable but the shock of the cold sea saw many come scampering out in a state of near hysteria, Gary and Jessica come to mind. 
Presents were well thought out and we all felt very spoilt, thank you to all. We started the celebration just after 3 pm with Anti-pasta, cheese and warm rolls. Followed by roast lamb and roast pork. We all spent a good day together, mindful of the fact we would soon be in lockdown again, this virus is a stubborn blighter.

I will leave you with the hope your Christmas was as good as mine and a few words of wisdom I read recently.

What do you want to be when you grow up? ‘Kind’

Do you have a favourite saying? ‘If at first you don’t succeed have some cake’

What do you think success is? ‘To love’

What do you think is the biggest waste of time? ‘Comparing yourself to others.’


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