Bruno goes to Brighton

Bruno has been wanting to go to Brighton for as long as he can remember. He tentatively broached the subject to Pricilla and she agreed. After packing and repacking the car with all they would need for such a extended day out to Brighton, they set off at 11:37 precisely. Pricilla had also come prepared with a strong torch in case the new illuminating lights on the front of the car failed. Wise woman, you can never be prepared enough. 

This was a trip they were both looking forward to and Bruno knows how to give a girl a good time. He could almost taste the fish and chips that Brighton was famous for before he even got there. Pricilla had other thoughts, cream tea at the famous Hotel, The Grand Brighton. 

Leaving their guest house with most of his funds intact, Bruno decided to take the more scenic route and went via Tunbridge Wells, a mere half and hour longer but from the satellite images from his Google maps, a must.

Bruno has such faith in the road system in England, he never thought for a minute that Google might be wrong and he would take far longer to get to Brighton then he expected.

Taking the B3020 he headed for Beltring and the the A228 and ultimately Royal Tunbridge Wells. Such faith, he is after all Bruno the Great, servant to no man except Pricilla, Queen of the Desert, his only love. The B3020 was an experience but in just under an hour they merged onto the A228 and Brighton beckoned. Pricilla at this stage was in need of a rest break and also some refreshments. Bruno stopped at the next services and they took their ablutions and then joined the lunch time queue for their coffee. All this takes time and after another half an hour they were back on the road. Needless to say this section of the road was quite busy and then they had road works to contend with. 

By the time they reached Brighton it was after 3pm and the afternoon traffic was heavy. Bruno negotiated this with ease by using the special lever on the left of his steering wheel, alerting other driver of his intention to turn when the need arose. Very soon they drove into the Grand Brighton Hotel car park and set off for the lounge, anticipating a lovely Cream tea each. 

They were not disappointed and after an excellent Cream Tea and a moderate bill they went for  a walk on the promenade. All in all a great day out and Pricilla rustled up Bruno’s favourite dish, Macaroni and Cheese when they finally got home. Bruno was a little disappointed when he received a fine for parking in the hotel car park and not letting reception know he was a guest at the hotel. After a frantic search for their receipt, to no avail, he paid the fine and vowed never to go to that hotel again.


  1. It’s a right of passage for every good Uk seaside trip to encounter traffic and a parking fine. Job well done!


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