Wine in the Morning

There are those who say that wine should not be drunk early in the morning. They are wrong. Angela has made her point quite forcefully on this topic on numerous occasions and the message is getting through. Tesco and Sainsbury have both seen a rise in the sales of wine before 12 noon. With wine comes the need to burst into song. Matthew did say that Angelas singing always cheers him up, life is so much brighter when she stops.

Susan has just pointed out that when we talk to Angela in the morning, it is in fact evening in Australia, this time difference can lead us to assumptions that are not necessarily true. If you are under the impression Angela drinks wine before 12 noon, you are probably correct. It is just where you are in the world when she is drinking.

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it is not so bad as a lot of ignorance. Ignorance concerning time zones and who is ahead and who is behind and more importantly, can we catch up? I honestly think it is unfair for Australia to always have Christmas before we do. Every Christmas for many years now, we wake to the start of our Christmas and then Angela phones to wish us happy Christmas while she settles down with a glass of Stella Bella Sauvignon Blanc, her day already over. I am not begrudging her a good Christmas more envying the look of that glass of chilled wine. I tend to agree with her, wine should be drunk early in the morning. Cheers, Angela.

Talking of waking up, Susan and Robert always joke about me snoring. They claim when my head hits the pillow at night I start snoring within a few minutes. I would like to draw their attention to a comment made by an expert in this field. ‘A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores.’ Maybe I will leave it there while I am ahead.

While we are discussing other countries and their differences, I was drawn to a comment by Michael about the cost of food in Australia. Everyone always says the UK is expensive but I tend to disagree. After living in South Africa for a while and now do most of the shopping here in the UK, I decided to take the humble Italian Lasagne and price the 3 main ingredients, comparing these has been a revelation.

To be fair I have picked Tesco prices for the UK, Woolworths In South Africa and Woolworths in Australia.

Chicken Mince 500g - Tesco £3.00 - Woolworths RSA  R60.00 (£3.00) Woolworths Aus $5.00 (£2.62)

Italian Lasagne Sheets 250 g - Tesco £0.90   Woolworths RSA R45.00 (£2.25) Woolworths Aus $1.70 (£0.89)

Tomato & Basil Pasta Sauce 600 g - £0.89 Woolworths RSA R58.00 (£2.90) Woolworths Aus $2.00 (£1.05)

Totals; Tesco £4.79 vs Woolworths RSA £8.15 vs Woolworths Aus £4.56. I can now announce that Australia is the cheapest country to live in. Robert will be impressed with this extensive survey.

I have just bought an Apple Macbook pro 14” and would have paid £305 less if I lived in Australia, madness?

Let us move on to other pressing matters of importance. It is a week after Susan birthday and she is still receiving presents, now for one who did not want to make a fuss this is a little over the top. Shows the power of my blog and social media, the word is out and the gifts keep coming. Just received a Bloom and Wild bunch of flowers. Two days ago it was a gold pendant and the day before that, a gift set of face creams. Thank you all for spoiling the love of my life. Deep down she loves the fuss, next year we will hire a marquee and invite everyone we know.

To end; If you don’t pick a day to relax, your body will do it for you.

